Raja Yoga or the royal path in its traditional form, is a branch of yoga that aligns our body, mind and spirit, experiencing the depth of who we really are. Raja yoga includes the eight limbs of yoga from the Yoga Sutras, which are: Yamas (how we behave in the world), Niyamas (how we treat ourselves), Asana (postures), Pranyama (breath control), Pratyahara (management of the senses), Dharana (concentration), Dhyana (meditation), and Samadhi (union with the Divine). The ancient practice of yoga can help us gain flexibility and balance in the body and mind. Through this process you'll learn how to be in rite relationship with loved ones, your career, your spiritual practice and an understanding of your divine spirit. I offer intimate classes in the comfort of your personal sacred space for small groups, retreats, children and individuals. By working with your unique Ayurvedic constitution and lifestyle. I will guide you to find empowerment in your daily practice that you can access for lifetimes and beyond.
Private class $70
(80 minutes)
~Email me for pricing on class packages and retreats CONTACT