I wanted to announce some exciting news! I completed a Conscious Postpartum Caregiver program through the https://sacredwindowstudies.com/ School. I was searching for a program for years that implemented Ayurvedic practices and this felt like a perfect fit to add to my Herbal and Ayurvedic wisdom. I will be offering 2 postpartum caregiver opportunities this summer in the USA at no charge or exchange for rebuilding my website!! Please email me to find out more details!!!. The sacred window is a 42 day window that is rarely acknowledged in the Western world and I am so grateful to be offering this wisdom as a bridge to every Mothers birth right as she is born into a Mother, born into a Creatrix goddess, born into her new skin, born into her wild primal knowing. Stay tuned as I birth Treesong Postpartum onto my website with more info and packages. My focus will be on nourishing the Mother with Ayurvedic principles through the universal mothering principles and sacred rituals for Mother, Father and Baby. Last but not least I wanted to introduce a product that I have been making for years now and it has transformed as I have moved from country to country! Agua Florida is a a potent energetic clearing spray that I use as offerings, to clear spaces, to use in airports, to ground, to connect to source, to breath in the spirit of the plants. This spray is made on the full moon infused with protective plants, each bottle contains a sacred stone from a mountain spirit (Apu) in Peru. Agua Florida is used to call upon the ancestors and pachamama. Many Central and South American cultures use Agua Florida to cleanse and purify the energetic body before ceremony, before entering sacred spaces, to pray, to offer to the land in gratitude, to clear the mind of debris and to liberate the spirit. I look forward to sharing more sacred medicines that my company Osha Maize Herbal makes and to bring the medicine to my postpartum work, while clearing the path for ceremonial birth through the sacredness of medicinal plants to open the way for Mother and child.
Art: The Three Sisters by Jackie Traverse My travels to Peru have always left me with a deep yearning to share more of the Andean wisdom with others, connecting even deeper with all the elements. The seed of envisioning a intimate journey to Peru has been incubating for a while when I was first introduced to Q'ero Andean wisdom. I was drawn to the deep connection the Q'ero have with nature, how they maintain reciprocity and balanced relationships with the cosmic (mother) universe and all the elements. How the simple act of giving offerings to the earth can bring harmony to the mystical and spiritual body.
The 1st seed that awakened in me after my first visit to Peru over 7 years ago was the connection I felt with the medicinal plant world, how every plant was connected to the stones, to the earth, the cosmos and the living energy of the universe. The 2nd seed that awakened after I studied herbalism was 3 years ago when I found a Yoga and Ayurveda training where I lived and went through a very deep spiritual rewiring and shift in consciousness. I was led there at a time when I was abandoning my body and physically exhausted. The program was very much focused on getting in your body through yoga, breathwork and meditation. By using Ayurvedic principles I slowly was able to come into balance and become more earthed in the soil and centered in my spirit. The 3rd seed that awakened in me was when I went to India this summer in 2018. I immersed myself in a 26 day panchakarma in a Ayurvedic hospital away from chatter, internet, responsibilities etc. During this time it was the most nourished I had ever felt, allowing to receive was the hardest lesson. Everyday felt like a profound spiritual and physical ceremony. I could see and feel emotional toxins becoming dislodged from the darkest areas. As a result a force of will power arose from deep within, it took weeks for me to become accustomed to a strong force of creative energy that was flowing through me. It felt as if all the seeds were screaming to be watered and nourished. I left India with a willpower that took over my whole being, I came back to the states and knew I had to really follow all the dreams I had shot down or told myself I could not do in previous times. Here I am sharing this dream with you and inviting you to sit in sacred space among the mountain spirits of Peru. A place where you can fully earth into the energies in a grounded and supported container, by remembering what seeds may be dormant inside you. Are you walking your soul purpose out? Are you yearning to develop the seeds of wisdom you have planted? Reawaken your seeds for embodiment in a 6 day culture immersion with Q'ero elders or choose to do the full 13 day journey where we will visit two sacred mountains that can create movement and alignment in your life. Together we will birth a vision. Birth a dream into fruition. "Lets make the earth our church and protecting it our religion" -Valhalla Farms- |